CD-P3000A Capacitive Discharge Welder

Formerly known as P-3000

The CD-P3000A capacitor discharge welding power supply is a field proven solution for welding applications which require precision, repeatability and low heat affected zone.

Built in the USA, the CD-P3000A power supply delivers up to 3,000 Ws peak current in short weld pulses which are suitable for difficult to weld materials like hard, high strength, stamped or drawn steel.

Allows the use of much higher currents with low heat propagation preventing oxidation and surface decarburization resulting in joints that exceed manufacturers’ required pushout and torque requirements without damaging the parts.

Consistent and repeatable results eliminate the need for post-weld inspections, saving time and money. Pulsar welding power supplies are typically used in the microelectronic, medical, military, sensor and automotive industries which utilize a vast range of materials like kovar, invar,...

Technical Specifications

TechnologyCapacitive discharge
Output Range Ws: 100 - 3,000
Weld Period Range (ms) 4 - 8
Output Control Mode Ws
Open/ Closed Loop Open
Built in Monitor No
Automation Ready Yes
Input Power 208 VAC
240 VAC
480 VAC
Single or 3 phase Single
Size (W x D x H) Power Supply: 17 in x 35 in x 23 in (430 mm x 890 mm x 590 mm)
Transformer: 24 in x 19 in x 27 in (610 mm x 490 mm x 690 mm)
WeightPower Supply: 326 lb (148 kg)
Transformer: 780 lb (355 kg)