
Laser Surface Cleaning

Achieve Better Battery Pack Performance & Reliability in eMobility

Research shows that laser cleaning battery connection areas prior to joining improves weld reliability and reduces battery pack manufacturing costs.

Get a copy of our latest paper outlining the challenges battery manufacturers are facing today and how laser cleaning is helping them to achieve better performance and reliability.


Fingerprint Removal

Fingerprint Removal

Battery cans with fingerprints. The part on the right was subjected to laser cleaning before welding. Customer welded parts with and without fingerprints and performed a pull test. The samples subjected to laser ablation showed significantly improved weld strength.

Dirt & Grease Eradication

Dirt & Grease Eradication

Transportation and handling of batteries prior to the welding process introduces contaminants and allows oxides to form (left). Laser ablation (right) cleans grime off of battery can surfaces significantly improving wire bond reliability.